Clothes and fashion are typically used as a daily necessity. However, Sahabat Javanologi, little did you know that fashion in Javanese culture also had its own cultural function and symbols implied in it. One of them is ‘Kuluk‘ which means hat or kopiah that rises up. In KBBI, kuluk defined as an oversized skullcap which is usually used by the groom in a wedding ceremony. There are several types of kuluk styles listed, including kuluk mathak and kuluk kanigaran.

   Kuluk has a function to protect and cover our head, just like the blangkon. However, kuluk are usually made of a stiffer material and are taller in shape. These head accessories are usually paired with busana basahan used in Javanese traditional weddings. In addition to the kuluk, busana basahan worn by the groom are usually in the form of sumping, kalung ulur, keris, roncean melati, kolongan keris, gelang epek, timang, ukup, buntal, dodot alas-alasan, and celana cinde.

    Kuluk itself originally also had a meaning to strengthen the recognition of the people as a Javanese king during the Islamic Mataram era. Besides, there are types of kuluk mathak pethak which tend to have a white color. The white color on kuluk is interpreted as a symbol of a pure heart and a clean mind.

Author: David Aria Wijaya