Tri Marta



The International Seminar Tri Matra

Exploring and Identifying the Dynamics and its Challenges of Cultural Transformation

Surakarta, Indonesia, March 14th, 2018


Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Universitas Sebelas Maret

ISBN : 978-602-50661-1-5

Download Cover, Table of Content

Keynote Speakers
1 A Transforming World and Asia: Challenges for a New Asia

Hitoshi Hirakawa

Invited Speakers
1 The Dynamics of Patani Malay Culture for Thai Muslim Generations


2 Sholawat: Tradition for Modern Life

James M. Edmons

3 Kajian dan Pendidikan Sejarah Asas Pengukuhan Melayu Islam Beraja: Pengalaman Negara Brunei Darussalaam

Muhammad Hadi MD Melayong

4 The System of Symbols in the Iconography of Works of Javanese Art and Culture

Setyo Budi

1 The Meaning Behind Leather Puppet Shape of Panakawan

Ahmad Pramudiyanto, Supana, Muhammad Rohmadi

2 The Cultural Transformation of Begalan Traditional Ceremony

Alva Kurniawan, Kundharu Saddhono, Sahid Teguh Widodo

3 The Shadow Puppet Show Life in Modern Era (A Social Cultural Study)

Andang Firdiansyah

4 Value of Education of Character Based on Local Wisdom (Robo-Robo Ritual Mempawah Regency)

Arrie Widhayani

5 Nationalism Spirit of Kumbakarna Figure in Serat Tripama: an Deconstruction Literature Analysis

Bagus Wahyu Setyawan, Kundharu Saddhono

6 The Sources of Inspirations in Making Batik Motifs

Bani Sudardi

7 Cultural Values and Education on Celebrations Kebo Ketan an Effort to Preserve the Forest in the Village of Begal, Sekaralas, Widodaren, Ngawi

Barrin Putra Azharin

8 Transformation of Ketoprak: from Folk-Arts into Academics-Arts

Budi Waluyo, Favorita Kurwidaria, Astiana Ajeng Rahadini, Dewi Pangestu Said, Bagus Wahyu Setyawan

9 Hermeneutics as the Phylosophy of Meaning Interpretation Approach on Traditional Javanese Dolanan Songs

Dewi Pramestuti, Sumarwati, Kundharu Saddhono

10 Utilization of Local Wisdom in Learning Javanese Language

Diah Retnaningtyas Utami, Andayani, Sumarwati

11 Javanese Aesthetics Value in Mintaraga Gantjaran by Prijohoetomo

Djoko Sulaksono, Kundharu Sadhono

12 Culture Transformation of Tepa Slira Reflected In Traditional Ceremony of Susuk Wangan as an Effort to Build the Nation Character

Dwi Rahayu Retno Wulan, Suyitno, Muhammad Rohmadi

13 Dongkrek Revitalization as a Cultural Tourism Development In Madiun Regency

Erens L Rahman

14 Transformation Ritual Ngalap Berkah in Kemukus Mountain

Ginanjar Arif Wijaya, Sidiq Aji Pamungkas, Heni Mawarni

15 The Use of Dramatic Monologue Kidung Sri Bedhaya by Trisno Santosa As an Alternative Teaching Material In the SMA Learning Curriculum 2013

Hartikaningsih, Andayani, Prasetyo Adi W.W.

16 Symbolism of Tiban In Kediri Regency: Connection of Science, Arts, and Religion

Ika Yulia Afrianti

17 Seven Matters Expected by Human Beings In Sêrat Andra Kusuma

Istanti Fatkhul Janah, Sumarlam, Nugraheni Eko Wardani

18 The Role of Local Language Education In Cultural Transformation

Kharisma Pratidina, Suharti

19 Ubarampe in Traditional Ceremony of Dhukutan at Nglurah Village Tawangmangu Regency

Mila Anggar Wati, Sumarwati, Kundharu Saddhono

20 Human Body and Prostitution In Hedonism (Human Rights Perspective)

Muhammad Rustamaji, Bambang Santoso, Heri Hartanto

21 Sesaji in Java Community Tradition

Nanik Sri Prihatini

22 Expression of Prosperity through Tuwuhan Sarakit in the Phrase Gemah Ripah Loh Jinawi, Tata Tentrem Kerta Raharja

Nanny Sri Lestari

23 Dayok Binatur as a Surviving Culture

Renita Br. Saragih

24 Ketoprak Performance as a Learning Media of Student Character in Higher Education

Sahid Teguh Widodo

25 The Transformation of Krama Style in Teaching-learning Javanese News Writing by Using Illustration Media on Students Class X IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Jogonalan Klaten

Shinta Tyas Pratisthita, Retno Winarni, Sumarwati

26 Internalisation the Elements of Javanese Culture into Learning Process In Formally School

Sri Handayani

27 Wayang Sadat in Javanese Culture Sutarjo
28 Jaka Semangun Figure In Serat Jaka Semangun as Empowering Character Value of Education Learners

Taukhid Amirul Mukminin, Hanriani Pri Hartiningsih

29 Value of Local Wisdom In Serat Gandrung Asmara of Sinuhun Paku Buana IX as the Nation Character Builder

Ulfa Tursina, Muhammad Rohmadi, Aditya Agung Widayanto, Shanti Andita Safitri

30 Colonialism Resistence which is as a Shift of Society from Traditional to Modern in a Novel Katresnan by Soeratman Sastradihardja

Winda Dwi Lestari, Muhammad Rohmadi, Sarwiji Suwandi

31 A comparative study on attitude of youth towards drinking alcohol a case study in Vientiane (Laos) and Surakarta (Indonesia)

Xaixana Chanthavong, Bani Sudardi

32 Character Education Values In Tradition Wiwit Padi In the Village Silendung Gebang Sub-District Purworejo District Yekti Indriyani, Yorista Indah Astari, Muhammad Rohmadi
33 Oral Literature Lampung “Bebandung”: Analysis of Structure, Function, and Its Relevance For Learning Literature

Yorista Indah Astari, Yekti Indriyani, Sumarlam

34 The Tradition of Nyadran as a Respect to Dewi Sri and Ancestrals In Ngepringan Village, Jenar Distric, Regency of Sragen

Yuliningsih, Kundharu Saddhono, Budhi Setiawan

35 Makyong Theater as  Melayu Traditional Culture

Anisah Kartika Putri, Hodairiyah