Centre of Excellence (CoE) Javanologi for Javanese Traditions held a Cultural Class with the theme Batik on Wednesday, 15 February 2023. This was a series of the Discover Indonesia Better 2023 program by International Office UNS which was attended by 24 students from Kokushikan University, Japan. This event was held at Pendhapa R.Ng. Yasadipura, PUI Javanologi UNS at 13.30 – 16.00 WIB. The speakers at this activity were Dra. Tiwi Bina Affanti, M.Sn. and Mrs. Apika Nur Sulistyati, M.Sn. (PUI Javanologi peer group).

For 2 hours the participants of Discover Indonesia Better 2023 were invited to get acquainted with batik and its manufacturing techniques and were invited to practice it, starting from nglowong (drawing the pattern), ngiseni (applying the wax to the pattern with a special tool), to ngelir (giving color to the fabric that has been made with batik). Several participants expressed their interest in learning batik and even though the time was very tight and at first it was difficult but it was very enjoyable because this is a first-hand experience for them.