Pinjung Tapih Cloth As a kebaya subordinate, tapih pinjung cloth or sinjang jarik cloth has batik motifs. The taping pinjung cloth is a cloth that is worn around the waist by wrapping it from left to right from the stomach to the waist. To strengthen the coil, a stagen is used which is wrapped around the stomach several times according to the length of the stagen. In order not to be seen from the outside, the stagen is then covered with a brightly colored rainbow shawl. 2. Central Javanese Traditional Wedding Attire Apart from formal attire, there are also some traditional wedding attire in Central Javanese culture. The type of wedding dress itself is very diverse depending on what event is being faced. To note, in a traditional Javanese wedding, there are several ceremonies that must be carried out by a pair of bride and groom. The ceremonies include the midodareni ceremony, the ijab ceremony, the panggih ceremony, and the ceremony after the panggih. In each of these ceremonies,

Penulis :
Salsabilla Riska Julianna

Sumber :,Tapih%20Pinjung,agar%20tidak%20nampak%20dari%20luar.