Sidoluhur batik is a traditional batik that existed even before the Mataram Sultanate was established. The creator of Sidoluhur batik is Ki Ageng Henis, grandfather of Panembahan Senopati, the founder of the Sultanate of Mataram. Ki Ageng Henis is believed to be someone who has power (sacred). The main goal of Ki Ageng Henis in making batik Sidoluhur is to be used by his descendants.

Sidoluhur batik is a keraton batik that developed in Yogyakarta and Surakarta. This batik has the meaning of nobility. In general, the Javanese when living life always seek nobility, both material and non-material. Material nobility is usually obtained through the adequacy of all physical aspects. Material nobility can be obtained with effort and hard work in accordance with the position, rank, degree, and profession. Meanwhile, non-material nobility is usually shown through noble character, speech, and actions.

Sidoluhur batik is usually worn by the bride on the wedding night. Javanese culture says when wearing this batik, later the married life of the bride and groom will get smoothness and glory.

The Sidoluhur batik with a white background is usually used for the mitoni ceremony, which is a ceremony to celebrate seven months of pregnancy. This batik is expected to bring happiness to the wearer. Some people wear this batik when mitoni in hope that the children who are born will have noble character and manners. Sidoluhur batik is also often used to hold babies. The philosophy of joy in batik is expected to be felt by the baby. It is believed, the baby will feel calm and happy when carried using this batik.