“Kabudayaan Djowo” The Javanese-Surinamese diaspora community in the Netherlands is one of the Javanese diaspora community groups that have experienced two diasporas, namely in Suriname and in the Netherlands. The term Javanese culture is commonly referred to as “Kabudayaan Djowo”. There are two terms called “Kabudayaan Djowo”.  

First, the Javanese-Surinamese people in the Netherlands often say it to describe the palace culture in Java. The culture in question is the art of gamelan music, performing arts, and wayang. Second, it is considered a Javanese tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation in a simple, undramatic, informal, and uncaste manner.

Guyub rukun is one of the basic concepts for building culture, including Kenduren, Bakdah Kupat, Slametan, and contemporary issues including visual culture. This shows that the Javanese-Surinamese diaspora community in the Netherlands builds a Javanese identity including language, interaction, rituals, art, and lifestyle.