If the previous culinary discussion was traditional food that was born as a result of cultural acculturation, this time we will discuss a culinary that is purely born by the local community, which is called Nasi Liwet.
Although Nasi Liwet is famous as a typical Solo culinary, it turns out that this food comes from the village of Menuran, Baki, Sukoharjo. Not only in Solo, it turns out that there is also Nasi Liwet which comes from Sunda (West Java). The difference is, Sundanese nasi liwet is usually cooked with spices such as onions, bay leaves, lemongrass, and salt. Therefore, the taste of Sundanese nasi liwet is more savory, in contrast to solonese nasi liwet which is rich in flavor and aromatic. The side dishes served are also different, solonese nasi liwet uses opor chicken while Sundanese nasi liwet uses fried goldfish or salted fish.