PUI Javanologi initiated the assistance of 2 computers and 1 digital camera from the big family of Dr. Ir. Akbar Tandjung to be given to the Rekso Pustaka Library, Pura Mangkunegaran Surakarta. The direct handover will be held on Tuesday, July 27th, 2021 at 10.00 WIB at the Rekso Pustaka Pura Mangkunegaran Library.

Present at the handover, Prof. Sahid Teguh Widodo, M. Hum., Ph. D (Chairman of PUI Javanologi UNS), Mr. Rory I. Danisworo and Mrs. (representative of the Dr. Ir. Akbar Tandjung extended family), Mr. Supriyanto (Plt Pengageng, Mondropuro Regency, Pura Mangkunegaran), and Mrs. Darweni, M. Hum. (Representative of Rekso Pustaka Library, Pura Mangkunegaran)

It is hoped that this assistance can be used to assist Reksolibrary libraries in preserving ancient manuscripts and archives through digitization and providing broad access to information for researchers, academics, and Javanese culture lovers.