Javanologi: International Journal of Javanese Studies is a semiannual journal, published in June and December, first publication is in 2017 by Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 0005.25806122/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.07, 5 July 2017. This journal contents are managed by University Centre of Excellence Javanology for Javanese Traditions (CoE Javanologi) and Graduate of Javanese Language Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, is a medium for scholarly discussion, description, and surveys concerning literature, linguistics, archaeology, history, philosophy, library and information studies, religion, art, and interdisciplinary of Javanese studies.
ISSN 2580-6122
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Asep Yudha Wirajaya, Bani Sudardi, Istadiyantha, Warto |
Chalimah, Susi Darihastining, Ama Noor Fikrati |
Maintaining Social Interaction in The Covid-19 Pandemic Era Mahmudi |
Mukhlas Alkaf, Andrik Purwasito, I Nyoman Murtana, Wakit Abdullah |
Sandra Reeve |
Tresya Yuliana Fitri |
Strengthening Mental Health and Spiritual Survival During the Covid-19 Pandemic Yuliana |
Healthy Throught Magic Health Solution in Mantra Kidung Jawa Onok Yayang Pamungkas, Sahid Teguh Widodo, Suyitno, Suwardi Endraswara |
Kala Sungsang; Recording World Voices to Draw Creative Innovations in a New Normal Era Sahid Teguh Widodo |
Sawitri |